Tuesday 6 January 2015

Craft a Hand Bag by your own self!!!

Hey there,

Today I am going to share my favorite craft. This is HANDBAG by simply nothing. Yes! you can make your own clutches and wallets by following this tutorial.


  1. Chart Paper/ Colored Paper.
  2. Hard Board or you can use a cereal box.
  3. Wrapping Paper or Fabric.
  4. Glue
  5. Scissors.
  6. Button/Magnetic Tape.

  1. Decide the size of your purse.
  2. Cut your cereal box according to it. Cut 2 sides of it. This will be your purse base.
  3. For the inside, Cut chart paper of the same size as your box cut out. I have chosen Red to be my inside color since my outer color was on red base. Paste the paper on both pieces of the box.
  4. To make the base of the purse. Cut out a piece of box. Remember it's length should be equal to your purse's length and width should be as wide as you want. See Picture NO.3. I have pasted red on one side of my hard board/cereal box cuttings. And Black on the base piece. 
  5. As you can see the sides of my bags are showing 2 colors; black and red. This I did to give it a Jazzy look. You can either use only one color or you can add more colors. Just contrast it with your outer color or pattern. Once you have decided which color you are using. Make fan folds as you can see in the picture below.
  6. Stick these on both edges. 
  7. Now stick the base to both parts of your bag.
  8. Finally cover it with the outer fabric as you can see in NO.4. Make sure to keep its length a bit more than actual for folding purpose.
  9. Secure all your glued ends and let them dry. Your purse should look like NO.8 from above.
  10. If you have any leather straps you can add for handles.
  11. If you want you can add button to make a clasped hand bag.

All done. You can make your own clutches, hand bags by simple variations and your creativity.
I hope you enjoy reading this. Feel free to leave a comment.

Themed Bulletin Boards

As I was telling in my earlier post that I have switched my job so in this school we are very keen on themed bulletin boards. I personally like this idea. Bulletin boards should be according to a theme. They are the best way to convey a message to your students weather its about the upcoming Exams or some quote we want them to remember...a bulletin board is the best canvas for  a teacher.

I have made several bulletin boards but this one is my favorite. It is made for January 2015 so that's why I chose the theme to be NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS.

The theme tree is "RESOLUTION TREE". I have cut leaves from different wrapping papers. The idea was to give the tree a colorful look. I debated a long time to make the trunk "black" or "brown" but, in the end I went with brown anyway. For the background I have used crepe paper. It's Sea-Green or Turquoise in color.  I have taken another wrapping sheet to make the borders. It was kind of festive with fireworks and candles on it.
For the resolutions I have taken print outs on colored pages and then to give them some definition, stuck them to Black card sheet.
On Right side, I have pinned a definition of Resolution and some tips to achieve your resolutions.
I hope you like my Resolution theme. Feel free to share your own ideas with me.
Till than Happy Crafting :))

Monday 5 January 2015

A Year has passed!

Hi there,
          I missed blogging. I know this is probably not the best starters but, seriously I did. I was very busy in my new job and that almost made me forget about this blog :( So I am sorry for not being active but, now I will update it regularly :)

Till than Happy Crafting :)

P.S A belated Happy New Year (2015).