Sunday 7 June 2015

Arts Exhibition (Ideas for Classroom display)

Hi there,

The summer break has started and I visited this awesome Arts exhibition at a nearby school. I am always looking for inspiration so this exhibition seemed a good idea and YES!!!! It was a really good show with tremendous possibilities and ideas which I can apply later on.

I will show you some of the displays and I hope that you get inspirations from them too.
This one is kind of cute with bottle caps used as fish body. We can use it in primary classes.

I love the hut and nest here. It's a close up of a bulletin board. 

This one is my favorite.  They made falling rain by stripes of tissue papee. Although I would've pasted some more clouds but still this is an applicable idea if you are planning to make a wall art.

This piece is really easy. You can ask your students to collect sea shells during the summer and make different sea creatures by printing the outlines.
See how they have made umbrellas using straw. This glazed paper is a shiny paper available locally.
This is a bulletin board displaying My Self items. They have added MY FAMILY, MY SCHOOL, MY HOBBY and other things to complete it. 

These are some of the ideas you can use to make your classrooms attractive.  I know being a teacher we are always thinking about ways to beautify our classrooms whether its holiday season or not. 

Please feel free to post queries and comments. 
Have a crafty summer,